
Benefits For Producers, Engineers In Music Modernization Act

Benefits For Producers, Engineers In Music Modernization Act

1At long last the comprehensive and sweeping Music Modernization Act has been signed into law, affecting industry professionals everywhere. While the legislation was certainly surrounded by its share of controversy, we here look at some of the upsides to the act.


In this latest post from MusicThinkTank, industry lawyer Wallace Collins explores some of the benefits of the recently passed Music Modernization Act for producers and engineers.

“Most importantly for producers, the MMA codifies into law the right of music producers and studio engineers to collect digital royalties through a consistent, permanent process. The MMA is an amalgamation of several bills including the AMP Act (Allocation for Music Producers Act). This portion of the MMA guarantees that producers and engineers not only receive credit but also proper compensation for their contributions to the making of a sound recording. SoundExchange, which administers royalties from non-interactive streaming recordings, will provide direct payment of royalties owed to producers and engineers upon direction by the featured artist.”

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