
Check out Music Artist RealJ and New Track PapArazziMe

Check out Music Artist RealJ and New Track PapArazziMe

Our Mission is to help heal society from the pain of its past. Our Vision is to help realize Harmony, the sum of the dreams of many leaders, visionaries and prophets. We acknowledge the ambition of this feet and embrace the challenges that are to come. However, we stand convicted that our Creator has anointed humanity to overcome adversity through healthy competition.

Our Mission will address the foundation of turmoil in our society by creating a Social Platform to reward those whose deeds are harmonious and to shame those who promote disharmony. We will focus on using data analytics to clearly establish a difference between Fame vs infamy, Leadership vs predation, and Joy vs superficial satisfaction.

Most importantly our mission is to glorify our Creator by promoting harmonious brotherhood through transparency, accountability, and social awareness.


City:: Atlanta

Artist:: ReadJ

Label:: Pap.Arazzi.Me

Release Date:: Feb 10, 2019

Single:: Pap.Arazzi.Me

Twitter:: @Pap_Arazzi_Me

Feature Type:: Hip Hop/Rap




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