17 Nov (New Exclusive Interview) Cheech Myers Talks Music And New Project With Imperial Hustle Magazine |
(New Exclusive Interview) Cheech Myers Talks Music And New Project With Imperial Hustle Magazine
1. How did you get the name Cheech Myers and what does your name mean?
I got the name Cheech Myers honestly because I need to be the only one out of my peers back in the day that used to smoke budd. So that’s how Cheech came about. Myers came from Michael Myers and because I’m terrifying on the mic.
2. breakdown your style and sound?
My style is so lyrical and original and I just try to be the best at what I’m doing. I would say my rap style is like a Rakim/Slick Rick type because of their story telling and aggressive delivery. I also try to not saturate my ears with what’s being played on the radio today because I don’t want to sound like anyone that’s in the game now.
3. What made you want to create music?
I simply got tired of the radio playing artists repeatedly that I felt have no true music abilities.
4. Hardest thing in life you had to overcome?
Music costs money So I took to the street life trying to finance what I wanted to do with my music. I got caught up and got some time for an undercover sale last year. I did my time and that’s all behind me. This year my main focus is getting heard.
5. What is the concept behind your single “Promiseland”?
Promiseland for me represented musical freedom. The ability to free your mind and just be great. I viewed myself as Moses leading the people to the Promiseland.
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully not broke and that’s for sure. I basically want to make a steady income from my music, take care of my family and share my music with the world.

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