28 Mar Eso.Xo.Supreme – Lines (Music Video) | @EsoXoSupreme @DjPain1 @Swede808Mafia
Eso.Xo.Supreme is an up-and-comer that you’d be wise to pay attention to.
Today, Eso gives us the new video for the intro track off of his December-released “Lonely Ghost EP”
This record is produced by Swede808 of 808mafia and DJ Pain 1.Directed by Shiner Pacific and edited by R3xWonders, the visual depicts a trippy look at the lines drawn between her and him, a search for love and a want to never lose it, and the effect of the mind, body, and soul from the thought of not obtaining this love.Learn Eso’s inner concerns through this deep video with a vintage feel.
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