22 Sep Homewrecka Talks Click Klack Gang, Messy Marv & More | Throwback
San Francisco’s Eddy Block OG, Homewrecka, took some time to speak to the listeners at Siccness.net
The Click Klack Gang inductee spoke on the current status of the rap group, Messy Marv return home to the Bay Area, his official thoughts, and a message to former friend Messy Marv.
This interview was conducted earlier this year but due to some unrelated issues we were not able to broadcast the interview on our set schedule. Now with things clearing up at the Siccness Network Headquarters we blew the dust of the old audio files and still have them for your listening pleasures.
Check out the official interview below, drop a comment, subscribe and/or hit the like button.
Check back for a response from Messy Marv.
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