
Prada Wavez Has Been In The Studio Cooking Up That Fire For You | @PRADAWAVEZ

Prada Wavez Has Been In The Studio Cooking Up That Fire For You | @PRADAWAVEZ

Prada Wavez Has Been In The Studio Cooking Up That Fire For You

NYC rapper Prada Wavez hits the road beginning March 2019 to promote his highly anticipated single “Catch the Wave” that will be available on all music and social media platforms.

In celebration, Prada is giving fans a chance to design an official Prada Wavez poster for the final stop of the “Prada Wavez Press Run” at the end of February 2019 in Atlanta. The lyrical New Yorker brings the ultimate swag to the industry with metaphors that remind his fans what real music is all about.As the music industry consistently evolves, so does the music of “PW”.

The tall well-rounded ball of positive energy is sending nothing but good vibes through his music. It takes a strong-minded artist to define the difference between reality and fantasy.Prada gives his fans his truth his way which is very relatable and identifiable within the hiphop community. With strong will and determination Prada is making his way through without looking back.

One thing that stands out in his personality is the fact that he cares about music with every fiber of his being.Records are being created with treatments for visuals to increase his fan base in preparation for his upcoming promo tour that will take place the summer of 2019. Prada Wavez is not only building his music career he’s building a brand.

For More information:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pradawavez/

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/PRADAWAVEZ

Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChTBnos8bdyRHiKo1sqiDOQ

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