
Spotify Adds Crowdsourced Artist, Track, Album Data Tool

Spotify Adds Crowdsourced Artist, Track, Album Data Tool

Spotfy Line InSpotify has launched Line-In, a tool for gathering information about artists, tracks and albums from its 150 million users. The feature is currently available to desktop users only.


Spotify new

A new Spotify “Line-In” feature allows users to suggest edits to the information (metadata) that the streamer has about artists, albums and songs. “This will help us improve, extend, and confirm the metadata Spotify saves,” says Spotify, “which will in turn help us improve user experiences and create a more comprehensive ecosystem for Artists & Creators.”

Desktop users can access Line-In by clicking on the three dotes next to each artist, song or album.  Click on “Suggest Edit” takes the user to a corresponding Line-In page. 

Then, “anywhere Line-In says ADD [DATA] you can click to add data. Clicking a ✓ indicates your confirmation of that data, and clicking the ✕ tells us that data is incorrect. 

There’s no word when Spotify will be using the user generated corrections. but did offer:  “Line-In is a work-in-progress, and we’ll be adding features over time.”

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