
How To Launch Your Music Promotion On A $100 Budget

How To Launch Your Music Promotion On A $100 Budget

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Music promotion has been a great challenge amongst artists all over the world, especially during this critical time of COVID-19 outbreak; No one wants uncertain results after investing much in content and talent marketing when there are a lot of competitors out there.

We bring to you amazing ways you can promote your music when your budget is around $100. These methods work great and will give you unexpected results. You will never need external music promotion services.

Here are a few things you have to do:


Facebook Ads – $25 to $50 budget


Advertising on Facebook is one of the easiest and best ways to achieve music promotion without having to spend much; so many informed artists have taken advantage of this great platform to gain an audience and real fans. I assume you already have a Facebook page created; if not, then you need to do so immediately.

The First step towards promoting your music on the Facebook platform is promoting your entire Facebook page to reach a larger audience, set your daily budget between $5 to $10 for 5 days; no doubt this is really a low budget campaign, but it will surely bring people to Like & Follow your page, achieving that will certainly make your posts reach more people

Another good Facebook promotion strategy is creating engaging posts, promoting YouTube, and sound cloud videos suitable for music promotion on your Facebook page. This method will help increase your YouTube and sound cloud views, respectively. Using this method, you could get about 2000 – 5000 people to see your post each day with a daily budget of $10. You can still get up to 980 to 2,600 to see your post each day when your daily budget is $5.

Google video Adword – $25 to $50 budget


This is another less expensive way to improve your music promotion campaign, thereby gaining more views on YouTube. This feature enables you to create sponsored video adverts on YouTube; These videos are suggested to visitors on YouTube, and yes! You could get noticed easily. You can achieve this with a total budget of $5 to $ for a 5 days campaign; you will only be charged each time someone clicks on your video because it is pay-per-click (PPC), and you will have to set the cap amount you want to be charged by yourself. This option guarantees up to 1,000 daily impressions on your video.


Website and Email marketing

Having an attractive and informative website is one of the great steps towards becoming a successful music artist amidst the COVID-19 outbreak; you can promote yourself and market your content on your websites by driving traffic through SEO and social media. You can as well achieve a successful music promotion via email marketing where you send out thousands of emails to people that could be interested in your music.


If you have some few dollars left after running music promotions on Facebook ads, Email marketing or Google Adword, then you should spend it on the following:

– Get a professional graphics designer to design a simple but stunning social media graphics basically for your music promotion

– Get a professional to design and print simple flyers/handbills for offline promotions

– Have a business card designed for you.

You can choose to do all or part of the things listed above, it all depends on the amount you’re left with after Facebook promotions and Google Adword campaigns.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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