
Start A Magazine

Have you ever tried to push your own publication? Creating a magazine is extremely hard and putting the word out is even harder. Many find it hard, lack of info, lack of design ability. It isn’t easy to put a publication together for the world. So now we introduce a one of a kind program that gives many and any without any formal training the ability to start their own magazine, even publishing company. The IHE Affiliate Program is a new and easy way for interested publishers to launch a professional magazine and get it off the ground at an affordable price.

Over the years we have built a profound network of music enthusiasts. We are creating everything from the ground up. You can become a publisher over night. We are designing, printing and distributing a publication of your choosing. Call your magazine what you want, run the ads and interviews you want. We design everything from the rate cards to the extensive ads and interviews.

The best part of it is, you get to use our network for your magazine to be distributed. Recoup your royalties with our affiliate program with affordable ad placement with in your publication. If you are interested in bringing your magazine idea to life contact us today and get your publication going with the IHE Affiliate Program. Be the first publisher on your block!

When you are putting together your magazine a few things you want to keep in mind. Check out below:
– Have all your advertisers.
– Have all your content (written information)
– Have all your images (Hi Res 300DPI)
– Photos and Artwork must be Hi Res Jpeg,tiff,pdf or psd formats.
All your work should be separated by the type of Advertisement that your client is purchasing.
Here is how you should sell your magazine:
Front Cover: $600
Back Cover: $400
Inside Front Cover: $350
Inside Back Cover: $350
Full Page Ad: $200.00
Half Page Ad: $100.00
Quarter Page Ad: $50.00
Classified Ad Listing: $25.00
You have 28  total to play with. This is an 8.5 x 5.5 Magazine.
You can offer 50 magazines to each person that purchases a full page ad to give them incentive.
Send 100 to someone on the Front Cover, only if they purchase it.
Between 5 to 10 for everyone else.
If you need a Rate Card, Logo and Front Cover Designed to get started. We provide that for $150 startup.
That fee is taken from your total magazine cost.
We are now launching subsidiary placement for publishers looking to launch their own publication. Imperial Media Design is now in a position that we can Design, Print and Distribute publications looking to get started. We absorb all the backend work while you bring in the advertisers. We prepare you with the tools for selling and marketing, all you have to do is get the word out to your Network.

Ever wanted to start your own publication? Contact us and we will go over the steps to get you started. We will get you circulated in some of the largest metropolitan city’s.