02 Nov 12 Steps To Promote A Successful Concert or Show!
STEP 1: Choose Your Headlining Artist
When picking your headliner, a few things to keep in mind are:
a) Make sure the artist is popular in the city that you are holding the show. You can do this by going online and checking the popular radio station play-lists as well as asking other promoters.
b) Make sure the artist that you’re booking hasn’t been to that city within the last 3 months;.
c) If it’s within the budget, try to book an artist who’s performance fee is in the $8,000 range or above. Artist within this range tend to be consistently more profitable, thus the reason they charges this much. If it’s not in the budget, get an artist within your means.
d) Negotiate an all-in fee with the artist’s manager or agent. This simply means that you will pay the artist one flat fee and the artist is responsible for their hotel and transportation.
e) When you are booking an artist, sometimes the manager or agent will ask you for an Offer Sheet I have example of what that looks like for you. (see sample Offer Sheet).
STEP 2: Find A Venue
When securing a venue, here are some things you will need to know;
a) Find a place with a capacity over 1,000.
b) When negotiating with the club owner, make sure that the price includes; security, insurance and that you will keep 100% of the door. Some owners will allow you to keep a % of the bar sales (make sure you ask).
c) Make sure the artist has an area to wait in before the performance time.
STEP 3: Hire A Promoter
What to look for in a promoter:
a) Ask local club owners to find the best promoter in town.
b) Make sure the promoter has thrown successful events before in your area;
c) Negotiate a flat fee that includes flyers, poster and radio.
STEP 4: Book A Date
Book a Friday or Saturday to ensure a decent crowd.
STEP 5: Secure the Venue, the Artist and the Promoter
Once negotiations are completed for the club, the artist and the promoter, put down deposits and lock it in!
STEP 6: Hire a DJ/Host for the show
This is DJ will be responsible for each artist’s show sets and times that they perform.
Have someone in charge of all opening acts and make a Master List with the exact show times that each act is performing. Hand that Master List to each act and have it posted on all the walls backstage for all to see.
STEP 7: Promote The Show
You need to oversee everything and everyone involved with your show to make sure it’s a successful show.
a) Make sure the artwork and graphics are really nice and stand out;
b) Make sure your show is being promoted through the social networks via facebook, twitter, myspace etc.;
c) Make sure to have the artist to record a video drop announcing the show.
d) If you have radio as a part of your promotion, create the commercial.
STEP 8: Book Opening Acts
Have you have ever paid a promoter or sold tickets to open up for a well-known artist? Do you know why you had to pay or sell tickets? Well, let me break it down to you. If you’re a new artist looking for a chance to perform live on stage with a well-known artist than you have experienced that you have to “pay to play”. The promoter of that concert will either charge the new artist anywhere from $500-$1,000 to perform a 5-10 minute show to open up for a well known artist or the promoter will give the new artist 30 tickets to sell and bring back the money to perform that 5-10 show. The promoters charge this to the new artist to help offset the promoter’s costs of the concert. It can benefit both parties if done properly.
So, that being said, you are now the promoter and you will need to charge new artists to open up for you and your headliner. We have all been to a show where there are 20 artists performing before the main act performs and we all know how horrible that is. Don’t be greedy, have about 5 acts pay anywhere from $500-$1000 to do a 5 minute show. Offer them a booth to sell merchandise and give them all access passes so they feel like they are a part of the team.
STEP 9: Purchase Wristbands and A Stamp
You will need 3 different wristbands.
a) One All Access wristband. This wristband gives you access to anywhere in the club. People that get this wristband would include the DJ, the Artist, and a hypeman, if they have one (only the people that actually are performing on stage get this wristband) this is important for organization purposes.
b) One Backstage/VIP wristband. This wristband gives you access to anywhere in the club except for on stage. The people that get this wristband would include artist management, Celebrities, photographers, press and camera crews.
c) One VIP wristband. This wristband gives you access to all the designated VIP areas. This is given out to those who paid for VIP and Celebrities.
STEP 10: Sell Tickets
I prefer to sell tickets online and at the door only. This eliminates people from copying your tickets and you losing money.
a) Pre-sale tickets: I would suggest $20 depending on the area that you are in and the artist that is headlining.
b) Tickets at the door: Usually $5 dollars more expensive than pre-sale ticket prices, but use your judgement.
STEP 11: The Day of the Show
a) Follow up call to Headliner;
b) Confirm all opening acts, send them the show times, have them arrive eaarly and make sure they have their show CD;
c) Confirm the Dj/Host;
d) Map out the club and rope off designated areas, such as backstage and VIP. Speak with all of the security and have them do a trial walkthrough of the route they will have the headliner going when the headliner arrives at the club.
e) Stand and the door and collect the money!!
STEP 12: Do it All Over Again!
Additional Resources:
- Venue Rental (Fee includes security for event): $1,500
- Insurance: $1,000
- Artist Fee (Includes travel and hotel): $8,000
- Flyers/Posters/Artwork $250
- Radio (if needed): $1,500
- Dj/Host $500
- Promoter: $300
- Wristbands; $15
- Total Expenses: -$12,515
- Ticket Sales (Average of all tickets) $30
- Venue Capacity: 1,000
- % of Tickets Sold (conservative #) 75%
- Gross Ticket Sales: +$22,500
- Opening Acts (5 Acts $500 each) $2,500
- Merchandise ($5 Item, average 15% of tickets sold) $600
- Sponsors $2,000
- Additional Revenue +$5,100
Total Gross Revenue $27,600
Total Gross Expense -$12,515
Date of Engagement: October 31, 2012
Artist: Artist Name
Offer: $8,000 (All Inclusive)
Venue: Show Palace
Address: San Diego, CA
Contact at Venue: (800)555-1212
Event: Ladies Night Out
Capacity: 1000
Age restrictions: All Ages
Ticket Price: $15 – $25
Type of Event: Concert
Performance Time: Midnight
Sound Check: 6pm
Presenting Radio Station: KIIS
Contracting Company Name: Your Company Name Here
Contact: Your Name Here
Address: Your Address Here
Phone: Your #
Email: Your Email here
Armond Gardner
Posted at 05:43h, 11 NovemberNew M.Russell_ Dj Smallz_Business, Beat's,&Rhyme out now at http://getrightmusic.com , Datpiff & |http://mixconnect.com/listen/Business%252CBeat%2527s%252C%2526Rhyme%2527s-mid24103 … … via @MixConnect.