
Ra-sool: Interview with Music Artist Ra-sool

Ra-sool: Interview with Music Artist Ra-sool

Ra-sool Interview


  1. Ra-sool, how long have you being creating music and what do you feel made you want to start creating music?


I’ve been making music for a while and I needed a way to express myself artistically. I made a song and I knew from that point forward this was something I was meant to do

2. Ra-sool, how did you come up with your rap name and what does it mean?


My name came from my birth name Rasool. It means messenger or prophet

3. Ra-sool, who are 3 rappers that you look up to and why?


Yo I gotta choose 4 Jayz, Pac, Nas, and Big all of them were MC’s and deeper than what the facade portrayed them to be, I’m like that too so I can relate

4. Ra-sool, you have a single out called stronger. How did that record come about and what is the concept behind that record? 


Well it was a collaboration with Naomi going back and forth about what I was feeling or the message on my mind I mediating in the ether lol… we actually had the beat and hook for 8 months before the drama then I felt inspired to write   my bars when all of the police drama came and the black lives movement so I felt inspired to use my voice especially when Mike Brown got shot I was like enough is enough

5. Ra-sool, what is the goal for stronger and what do you want the message to be from this record?

Well there is alot of messages in Stronger.  I want people to dig deep feel the emotion hear not me but the souls, sacrifices, and martyrs to the cause and ask and answer those questions why now?…. We as a society need to pass the test we seem to be failing all the time when will we learn ….being a police, politician, religious leader or whatever does not make a life more worthy than the other because before they had power,  money,  and recognition they were like the billions of people on this earth

6. Ra-sool, what is the title of the project that stronger is off of and what is the concept of that project?

Well Stronger is a single but it will be included in the project The Alpha

  1. Ra-sool, what advice would you give to up and coming rappers like yourself?



  1. Ra-sool, where do you see your brand and career in the next 5 years?

Man my brand has alot growing and I see more music of course, tours, books, sponsorship’s, and taking my brand beyond levels upon levels fa sho


Kareem Williams
Success Is A Mindset
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