15 Mar Big Pharma propaganda now pushing drug that ‘treats’ racism – chemical mind control?
Research has shown the Beta-blocker Propranolol has the side effect of making people less subconsciously racist it was reported in the Daily Telegraph. While racism is not a trait celebrated by most, it is a basic right to have free thought on all subjects, and these findings have wide ranging moral ramifications.
Over the years the push for anti-racism has been celebrated as a liberal goal to create a world in which we all thrive in an environment where everyone is equal regardless of race or religion. Many other groups have jumped on the equality bandwagon demanding equal rights for homosexuals, transgender people, dwarfs and disabled people to name but a few. All these groups have now extra rights to give them the ability to function in society without fear of repression and abuse. Some people believe that this has given rise to an imbalance in the law meaning that people who do not fit into a category covered by equality legislation, are now at a disadvantage as their rights are not protected in the same way.
However whilst the equality debate continues the media have been consistently pushing the equality agenda, portraying happy couples of mixed race and more disabled and openly gay celebrities in television ads and programmes, campaigns on anti-Semitism and the like. Meanwhile the stereotypical white male has become a figure of ridicule in many programmes and adverts, often portrayed as fat and/or stupid, i.e. Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin etc.
A side effect of equality legislation is that it reduces conversation and stifles debate on important social issues, as anyone who raises an important point about race, sexual practices or religion is immediately branded as racist by their opponents.
Last year an article in the Guardian newspaper openly discussed what the benefits of mind controlling drugs were and how they could be used to reduce racism, aggression, anxiety and a host of other behaviours that were deemed to be socially unacceptable, and even mentioned putting dangerous drugs into the water supply to modify entire populations, a practice openly discussed earlier last year when the use of lithium compounds was suggested to prevent suicides.
Drugging the population into compliance?
It is only a small jump from a discovery to a practical application of this kind of approved drug. The fact that racism can now be ‘cured’ means that it could be now classed as a mental illness, with all the ramifications that it entails. Racism often comes from experience and education from peers and parents, allowing a socially inept individual to fit into a social group. Without this kind of tribal bonding many would find it difficult to fit in. There is of course the example of the Mexican taxi driver making a derogatory comment about black people to a white passenger to try to start a conversation hoping that by alienating one race he would make friends with someone from another race, a drug that prevents racism may prevent this kind of conversation or banter and group bonding. However Big Pharma has a drug to allow you to bond as a group as well, it’s based on Oxytocin.
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