
Exclusive Interview With Melody Quan

Exclusive Interview With Melody Quan

How did you get started into Modeling?

I got started modeling when my mom took me to Neil Hamil for modeling training.  She thought I was natural for it. lol

What branch of modeling do you choose to focus on and why?

It sad to say, but I wish I could do high fashion, but with my height I accepted that I can’t.  I am more of a swimsuit model, and love to branch of to anything creative.  I love making great images!

Now on your website you had stated you had stepped away from the modeling scene for a while, how do you think that break affected your career?

It actually helped my career a lot! I realized that I love modeling and the break made me realize my passion. Its kinda like a relationship.

Do you think it made coming back harder?
Yes, indeed it has.  I work 10x as harder and give everything my 110%!

What work are you most proud of? why?

I am proud of everything I do, because I am a student, mom and wife I have very limited time.  So every project I do I put a lot of effort in it.

Have you made Modeling a Fulltime career choice for you?
It is basically like a full time job.

How hard is it to break into the Industry?

Its not hard to break into the industry if you have the mindset and goals to aim for.  This industry  you must learn to be real with yourself and stay focus.

What is it that drives you and keeps you motivated?

My family <3 they are my everything.

What would you say is the most fullfilling part of your work?

Being able to love my job and be myself.

What are some of the things in the modeling world you know now, that you wish you knew before?

That people are real mean sometimes, but never take it to the heart.  Everyday is a new day <3

Do you have any unusual talents?

I have tons!

Whats one of the Key things to remember when working with a Photographer?

Make sure you feel comfortable, if you do not then leave.

What is your favorite body part in Photos? My eyes

what do you enjoy doing most when you have free time?
Going to hang out with my dear friends and family, read, and study haha

If you could live any were in the world were would that be?
Hong Kong

If their is one thing you could change about the world what would it be?
If everyone could be in peace.

How can people contact you if their interested in booking you for more work?

Email: bookings@melodyyquan.com

Thank you,

Melody Quan
Professional Model


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  • HHS Magazine
    Posted at 06:02h, 14 December Reply

    Exclusive Interview With Melody Quan.

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