04 Nov Fixing Fiat Currency
There’s only one thing that needs occupying and that’s MONEY $$$$$$$$$$ How can we, the 99%, occupy money when it is already occupied by the 1%who print it and own the banks where we deposit it? Asking the greedy to stop looting is like asking paedophiles to stop molesting. As long as we keep using the money that the banksters print and control instead of printing and controlling it ourselves, we will be enslaved to them with debts that we can never repay. How do we take back control of our nation’s money legally without using violence? By creating the People’s Silver Trading Company. We cannot negotiate with the mobsters who are looting our economy and buying our politicians. The answer is to become independent of them.
The People’s Silver Trading Company would be a NON-PROFIT silver trading company.
It isn’t practical to use silver dollars for puchasing because of its weight. A pocket full of silver dollars or a purse full of silver dollars is too heavy to carry around. It’s also not available in easy-to-handle denominations of $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100.
To be practical, the People’s Silver Trading Company would issue silver certificates that state,
“This certifies that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the People’s Silver Trading Company
_____ dollars in silver payable to the bearer on demand.”
Silver certificates are really paper money but they are guaranteed and backed by real silver and by the silver standard. Silver certificates could be issued in many denominations including half silver dollar certificates and quarter silver dollar certificates. Silver certificates could be issued in any amount for convenience. Silver certificate money issued by the People’s Silver Trading Company would allow you to shop with legitimate, legal tender instead of using Bankster printed money (not backed by anything). Silver certificates would have to be COUNTERFEIT PROOF and printed with the same counterfeit protections that presently exist for world currencies.
The People’s Silver Trading Company would be a NON-PROFIT company in which anyone can open up a silver bank account. Today, one silver dollar is valued at almost $40 an ounce. The silver standard would have to be changed and regulated by the people to prevent manipulated fluctuations in the value of silver. Silver certificates (money) could be issued in silver dollar percentages which means they could be issued in any amount from 1% to 1000% which would be the equivalent of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500 etc.
A 200% silver certificate would be the equivalent of $80.00 – two silver dollars.
A 100% silver certificate would be the equivalent of $40.00 – one silver dollar.
A 50% silver certificate would be the equivalent of $20.00. You would need two 50% silver certificates to equal one silver dollar.
A 5% silver certificate would be the equivalent of $2.00. You would need twenty 5% silver certificates to equal one silver dollar
People’s silver credit cards would be issued as debit cards. Holders of silver credit cards could only draw on what has been credited to their account in REAL SILVER. There would be no issuance of “false credit”. There would be no borrowing and no debt creation.
The people would operate it. What really matters is that each and every silver share certificate (money) that is issued is backed by silver bullion held in the Treasury vault. Every silver credit card purchase would also be backed by silver deposits. The People’s Silver Trading Company would be staffed with rotating management and operations employees to eliminate corruption. There would be staff monitoring and built-in checks and balances. A small non-profit transaction fee would be charged on the issuance of every silver certificate and every
credit card purchase to pay for security, processing, management, overhead, auditing and accounting services.AUDITING AND ACCOUNTABILITY
Unlike the US Federal Reserve, the People’s Silver Trading Company would be audited. Every silver certificate holder would be issued monthly financial statements and audit reports.
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