
Nayuri Formally Known As Evanni Solei

Nayuri Formally Known As Evanni Solei

Getting To know The Business Woman: Nayuri


1. Who is Nayuri and who was Evanni Solei?
Nayuri is a walking fashion piece. She loves designing as well as making her fashion ideas come to life. Styling is her everyday life and being out in social settings brings her compliments that gives her great gratification. She is the more reserve and shy being; her daily choices of apparel is her personality she holds back. Nayuri isn’t just fashion, but business as well. Deeply invested in brands such as YF (young forever) and a few more upcoming, she intends to have a hand in as much fashion related business as she can. Unlimited to branch out Nayuri is the after math of her not so shy self, formerly known as Evanni Solei, ex adult film actress. Evanni was born August 9th, 2009. Her adult film acting took a strong 4 1/2 year stretch before she decided she got all she needed from the industry, such as: contacts, cushion, business key points. She then retired from the adult industry with intent to expand her own brand, which is herself.
2. Being you are a successful business woman in your own right, what are the pro’s and con’s of that and how does it effect your relationships?
Throughout my lifestyle in the adult industry to now, I’ve learned a lot (despite attending college for business) learned a big deal about business. Yes it is indeed about marketing. I’ve come to meet a lot of different personalities in business, and learned how to deal with those personalities separately. I’ve become even more self reliant but perhaps too self reliant. I find myself to be cutthroat at times i should embrace partnerships. To be interdependent is a daily struggle but a well needed quality… At times. That  problem often gets in the way of my personal life as well, being that my ego doesn’t allow me to easily accept guidance from spouses, etc. Although my strong will does tend to drive others when motivation is in need.
3. Now living in LA, what would you say is the biggest listen your have learned and what advice would you give to anyone thinking about making that move to LA?
Living in LA I’ve learned that the name LALA land fits the city perfectly. I’ve met the most  superficial people living in LA. They seem to live in some make believe celebrity congregation in their minds. So many instant rappers, actors, director’s, and managers; pretending to be somebody to nobody’s. I would tell anyone looking to move to LA to just remain true to themselves and not lose focus. 
4. Name 3 spots in LA that you loves to eat, why you like to eat there and what dish would you recommend for a person visiting?
Being the foodie that I am three of my favorite spots to eat in LA would have to be: McCormick’s (Redondo), The Penthouse’s (Santa Monica), and Mama Ds (Redondo beach). McCormick’s has a nice upscale feel to it, with a quiet candle lit ambiance. My favorite to eat there would have to be their lobster dish w/ potatoes and mixed veggies. Their seafood is always fresh and costumer service is perfect.
The penthouse is a  restaurant located at the top of the Huntley hotel in Santa Monica with a clear ocean view. This place has a more social vibe with a bar located in the center of the  restaurant. My favorite dish there would have to be their pork chop over mashed potatoes, drenched in gravy. Once again great costumer service.
Last is Mama Ds Italian restaurant at Redondo Beach. It’s a small family owned restaurant with the best shrimp Fettuccini and Chianti I’ve ever had. I can normally finish all my dishes wherever I eat, but I have yet to finish my Mama Ds.
5. You are very well dressed when you step out on the town. Outside of making your own clothing, where else do you like to shop for clothing and why?
Even though I enjoy up to date name brand like everyone else, I prefer shopping at boutiques with old vintage clothing in it. Even better my mom’s closet lol. Everything made now is only a replica of what was before anyway, so why not have the original with the original material and not this cheap stuff they’re making clothes with now??
6. We know that you are working on a clothing line. Have you came up with a name for it yet and can people buy custom pieces from you now?
I’ve decided to take my friend Kareem Williams aka Lefty’s advice and name my brand after myself Nayuri. I have pieces of my clothing on my Instagram @nayuri that in fact can be purchased via DM.
7. What was the hardest thing in life you had to overcome and how did you overcome it?
The hardest thing in life Ive had to overcome was accepting the fact that not everyone is gonna  understand who I am as a person, and my beliefs. I overcame that by constantly reading my name on my many money orders I pay bills with.
8. Give us 5 things we would never had guess about Nayuri Formally Known As Evanni Solei?
Five things you would have never guessed about me would be that I’m deeply political, I love animals and secretly want to be a vet (but I’m afraid I’ll cry everyday treating hurt cats n dogs), I have crazy road rage and will run your barely seeing over the wheel Asian auntie off the road, I find every reason to eat bbq sauce, and I think America is shit for a Country so I will be relocating soon 

Kareem Williams
Success Is A Mindset
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1 Comment
  • King David
    Posted at 14:20h, 13 September Reply


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