01 Jan (New Exclusive Interview) Hip Hop Artist ihy feel Talks Music With Imperial Hustle Magazine | @ihyfeel
(New Exclusive Interview) Hip Hop Artist ihy feel Talks Music With Imperial Hustle Magazine
1.How long have you been doing music?
Ive been singing for as long as I can remember. I started song writing around the age of 11 and Just began producing a few years ago in college.
2. Breakdown why you changed your name from Jaquiel THEVOICE to ihy feel?
I wanted to create something more suitable to where the world is and where I am. I had long thought about changing my stage name to something I feel matched the image I was growing into as an artist as I was humbling myself to be that vessel or “that voice”. In history, ihy is an egyptian GOD of music and jubilation known for his childish nature. Im a big kid and have always been a big kid. “Feel” came from seeing how we’ve grown to hide our emotions as a people, today if someone experiences sadness, heartbreak, despair, they say your “in your feelings” as if thats a bad place to be. In an effort for us to rectify mental health in our communities we have to make ALL emotions ok to experience and express, put it together ihy Feel, i just want to be that vessel as I move forward its a reminder of what Im here to do no matter how far I go.
3. What is the concept behind “The Natural Project” and how long did it take to record it?
The Natural ProJect was an album that was literally made around the world. I started producing with a yamaha keyboard and a macbook and would just work on beats a little each day the complete project took around 2 to 3 years to produce and finalize (I was even working on it when I went to school in china). In regards to recording I train myself to get every song done in two hours, so by the time I hit the booth Ive heard it in my head a million times, ad libs and all lol.
4. “All She Wanted’ was a stand out song for us. How did that record come about?
All she wanted was my first mature introspective look into the parts Ive played in heartbreaks. As a writer it was my first time exposing that level of intimacy and emotion. When chasing a dream its easy to feel misunderstood and disconnected, chasing something so blindly and passionately your bound to break hearts and be heartbroken along the way. In regards to the production I grew up around my grandfathers music and nothing captures emotion and heartbreak like a good ol soulful piano ballad.
5. How did your environment effect the type of music that you create?
As a youth growing up seeing so much, music became my safe space. My place of hope, happiness and better days in return Im now writing songs those same feelings. I thank the most high everyday for making it out and in exchange for my gift and new life I have a duty to tell those stories and provide that space for others.
6. Who do you look up to in the industry and who do you want to work with?
I draw inspiration from everyone that came before me, Always honor the ancestors. I hold a special place in my heart for Michael, Prince and the whole Motown movement, oh yea and uncle curtis (curtis mayfield). When it comes to present artists I would love to work with Jay-Z and Kanye.
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