16 Jun Imperial Hustle Exclusive Interview With Jah Limon
Imperial Hustle Exclusive Interview With Jah Limon
1. Jah Limon, how long have you been doing music and what do you feel you bring to the music industry?
I would say I’ve been doing music for over a decade, as far as the industry I bring more of the entrepreneurial spirit. The business savvy artists paved the way for people like me to capitalize on my talents even further.
2. Jah Limon, you were quoted saying “The Competition is so thick in Co-op city, you had to become the best if you wanted to stand out.” Do you feel it is still that way within the music industry? And your reason for your answer?
Absolutely, the industry is corporate so if you’ve never had that experience you won’t now why you need to be the best. Brands are in competition, so as a person you may not be in competition, but your brand is as an artist in the marketplace.
3. Jah Limon, you have a smash hit record called “New Jack City.” How did that record come about and what is the concept behind that record?
Well first thanks for the compliment, the record came about through my partner King, he had the beat and we loved the track, but once he laid the hook, it all came to life. The concept is from a New Yorkers point of view as well as an out of town person coming to New York to make it’s view. I tell it as a true New Yorker. King tells it as someone who came here to New York and truly made it.
4. Jah Limon, How did you go about getting King on the record and what do you feel he brung to the record?
Well me and King have established a friendship bigger than music, so getting him on the record wasn’t the issue, we wanted to execute a smash that represents both of us on a united front. What he brought to the record was his incredible energy and great spirit and you feel that in the song.
5. Jah Limon, what are you working on right now and when will we see a video for this “New Jack City” record?
I’m working on the album right now, but I wanna drop a few more records, make sure the fans are fully engaged, then once the full attention is there, give them truly what they want. The video should should be done and ready for your viewing pleasure in the next few weeks.
6. Jah Limon, what is the hardest thing you had to overcome and how did you overcome it?
I would say changing my mindset to be more business driven. When your from the streets your not taught this type of information. How to establish and build businesses, understanding credit, building your own brand, finding a mentor, we have to understand those things so we can profit off of our talents.
7. Jah Limon, what is your mission statement and where do you see your brand and career in the next 5 years?
My mission statement is to build a brand that will last 5 generations after me, there’s unconditional love in giving like that, the people that benefit from it you won’t meet them all, so I want to keep on giving through my brand forever, it’s important. The next 5 years the groundwork will be done for my vision and you will see a brand of epic proportions continue to grow in the marketplace.
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