26 Oct Lady Of Rage Steps up for Bully Prevention, OG Cuicide, Suicide awareness
Lady of Rage makes a guest appearance with OG Cuicide to talk to a youth audience at Lincoln Middle School, regarding Suicide Awareness, Gang Prevention and Bullying. The community is touched by the level of connection and her personal stories and struggles that she expresses with Youth Depression. Lady Rage, also known as Baby Dee, lets kids know their power to be and obtain what ever they desire. She gives good references to the power of mind and lets each of them know they hold ambition to be more than they are today. Lady Of Rage, being a Grammy winning artist, selling out internationally and being signed to one of the biggest and most controversial labels of Rap History has earned her the respect of her peers and audience. We were in honor to be able to meet with the veteran emcee and west coast music legend, and had received the chance to get 1 on 1 photos of her with many of the children, signing autographs and giving much advice and guidance towards their future. Baby Dee, big ups to you, we look forward to working along side with you again.
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