21 Dec One Of Mans Greatest Inventions: “HELL”
“Hell” is a tool of oppression. It is represented by the church to mean a place of eternal, fiery torture for those who question the authority of the church and God. This means that the majority of humanity is destined for eternal, fiery torture. Not very fair for a loving and forgiving God, but then the church does not seem to deeply embrace fairness or forgiveness. There are no statistics on how many people attend church, not out of belief in God, but more out of conditioned fear of a fiery torture. It’s a good bet that if fear of hell were eliminated, church revenues would drastically shrink. Do you have or know someone who has anxiety, panic attacks, and Fear Of Hell?Many people fear judgment day, when they believe all their sins and failings will be measured against their good deeds and kindnesses. This fear of damnation is prevalent in the Christian belief system, where the worthy are rewarded with eternal life in Heaven. Those who fail to follow the word of God are thought to be punished by spending their afterlife in Hellfire. When fear of Hell becomes a phobia, it is known by the Latin name Hadephobia.
Hell Phobia
People fear Hell because they have been indoctrinated since they were children into believing it exists. Hell is as real as santa claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. In order to develop Hell Phobia, there must be faith in the Bible and its stories. Atheists turn away from the Bible and the Christian teachings. They feel that Heaven and Hell are imaginary. Religious zeal may actually intensify this phobia. The more a person thinks of religion and their own relationship with God, the more they will focus on the world beyond death. If a believer is guilt-ridden or has committed a mortal sin, he or she may become obsessed with their own impending damnation. There are many references to Hell in the Bible: all of them can trigger Hadephobia in those who fear damnation. These grisly descriptions of fire and brimstone appear 31 times in translations of the Old Testament, and 23 times in translations of the New Testament. Hell is described as a Lake Of Fire: “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the Lake Of Fire”.
Fear and Guilt and Sin
As a person nears death from ageing or illness, they are forced to contemplate their own mortality. In Catholic and some Protestant belief systems, certain sins are mortal. They must be confessed and absolved, or else the sinner will go to Hell. If a person kills or commits another such mortal sin, they may be reluctant to confess their sin. In our society, many people are murdered. Many things are stolen. Adultery is commonplace. This proximity to mortal sin can be a powerful trigger for Hell Phobia. Hell Phobia or Hadephobia is not exclusive to Christians. In the Qur’an, the primary religious text for those of Islamic faith, the fear of hell is also present. In Judaism, there is no belief in eternal Hell and therefore no fear of eternal damnation. However, the idea of Sheol (“the grave”), a dark underworld similar to the domain of Hades, is part of the Judaic belief system. Sheol is not the same as Hell. Buddhists do not believe in Hell. They turn away from the idea of everlasting damnation. They also believe that hell is a “painful sensation” created on the earthly plane, by human beings themselves. In other words, people make their own “heavens and hells”.
Symptoms For Hadephobia
A person who fears Hell may experience panic symptoms, such as excessive fear, insomnia, nervous tension, and nausea. They may also be subject to bouts of depression. However, they may not be open about their fears or symptoms. Instead, they may internalize their terror. Excessive praying or religious zeal may be red flags for Hell phobia.
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