07 Feb The cancer industry’s war on cancer cures
After Rick Simpson’s efforts to introduce his hemp oil to the Canadian Health system were denied, even after proving it had cured many of his town’s cancer patients free of charge, he realized the cancer industry doesn’t want a cure.
Now, he’s in exile in Amsterdam because he refused to stop helping his neighbors free of charge and he refuses to deny the effectiveness of his hemp oil for cancer.
Dr. Robert Atkins asserted there are already hundreds of cures for cancer. His medical license was suspended for curing a woman’s breast cancer with ozone therapy. (http://www.naturalnews.com/028201_ozone_therapy_FDA.html)
Insights from Dr. Burzynski’s case
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski had been hounded by the Texas medical authorities and FDA for 15 years, despite his success with difficult cancer cases while conducting clinical trials without outside funding.
A couple of major factors were disclosed by a recent documentary, “Burzynski: The Movie,” AKA: Burzyinski: Cancer is Serious Business, FDA Tyranny.”
The FDA receives half a billion dollars annually from Big Pharma’s “user fees.” These user fees help support the FDA financially and influence their fast track licensing of newly patented drugs.
The documentary fleshes out an intrigue where one of his formerly contracted researchers ran off to get approval for a higher phase of testing, but instead she colluded with another pharmaceutical company to steal Burzynski’s patents.
What snowballed from this involved the National Cancer Institute and the FDA, and it’s shockingly revealed from around one hour and fifteen minutes into the documentary to the end. You can view that portion of this well done documentary by accessing it from source [1] below.
The cancer industry uses two main tactics in their war against cancer cures: If it’s patentable, they will steal it and squash the original patent holder, as was attempted with Burzynski. If they can’t patent or steal it, they will test it improperly in order to make it fail and discredit it.
Testing to ensure failure has occurred recently with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s efforts to get FDA approval for his updated version of Dr. William Kelley’s successful 1970s cancer healing protocols.
This is also what happened when the Sloane-Kettering Cancer Institute tested Dr. Ernst Krebb’s successful laetrile cancer treatments. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027088_cancer_laetrile_cure.html)
An attempt to hide a natural medicine had occurred with Canadian nurse Rene Caisse (Reen Case) and the American Indian formula she had used and named Essiac Tea. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026928_cancer_tea_cure.html)
The AMA under Dr. Morris Fishbein tried buying out Harry Hoxsey’s herbal formulas, eventually forcing him to take his successful clinic to Mexico after years of court battles. Here’s that drama. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027020_cancer_AMA_treatment.html)
Then, Fishbein and associates tried to buy into and take control of award winning scientist Royal Raymond Rife’s electronic device that had been heralded in California circa 1940s as a real cancer cure. Rife was eventually ruined. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027104_cancer_WHO_Chi.html)
You’re probably somewhat familiar with Dr. Max Gerson’s methods for successfully curing cancer. His clinic was forced into Mexico where daughter Charlotte and her son continue after the medical mafia’s harassment, which included attempts on Dr. Gerson’s life and stealing clinical records. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027004_cancer_coffee_juice.html)
These are a few of the more notorious examples of why most cancer patients and well meaning doctors are kept ignorant of the 200-plus more effective and less toxic options when confronted with a cancer diagnosis.
There’s too much money involved among the cancer industry’s players, trillions of dollars, to permit any intrusions of inexpensive, effective, and safe cancer cures into the Medical Mafia’s turf.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038995_cancer_industry_war_cures.html#ixzz2KFy1BkcY
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